
Open Class Exhibits do not need to be pre-entered. They are to be checked in on Thursday before the fair between 2pm and 8pm. Exhibitors will receive number at check-in.

4-H Exhibits and Animal shows are open to 4-Hers only. Registration for 4-H will be through 4H Online

Premiums will be paid by EOY after the fair.

Questions? Please contact Janell George at hcafyouth@yahoo.com

66th Annual

Exhibitor Handbook

September 5-7, 2025

17 Hilldale Lane (Route 13)

New Boston, NH


Before the Fair contact hcafyouth@yahoo.com or hcafsocialmedia@gmail.com


Camping is open only to 4-H Exhibitors & other Fair personnel.

New Camping Prices for 2025:

Camper $45

Tent $15

For non 4-H or Fair Personnel, we are not able to accommodate camping on the grounds and encourage you to contact the following campgrounds:


Friendly Beaver, New Boston: 603-487-5570

Cold Springs, Weare:  603-529-2528

All Seasons, Weare:  603-529-7323

Commissioner Of Agriculture Award For Agricultural Excellence

 The NH Agricultural Excellence Award is presented annually to exhibitors participating in NH fairs. Awards recognize exhibits which promote a better understanding of agriculture and rural life and may be given to individuals, farms, businesses or organizations. The Commissioner of Agriculture appoints the judges panel and establishes the judging criteria.


1. Awards shall recognize exhibits which promote a better understanding of agriculture and rural life.

2. Awards may be given to individuals, farms, businesses or organizations.

3. Awards shall be given based upon assessment of the following:

a. Organization and neatness;

b. Ability to convey clear information or message;

c. Conformity to generally accepted practices such as animal cleanliness, proper preparation of produce, adherence to state or federal grade and quality standards, etc.; 

            d. Clear identification of exhibitor - name and hometown;

e. Integration with overall goals of the individual fair; and,

f. Originality.

4. Awards shall not be given to an exhibitor more than once in three years.

5. Awards shall be determined by judges appointed by the NH Commissioner of Agriculture, Markets and Food,


Open Departments


 Saturday 10am         Rain or Shine

 Need Proof of Coggins Before Horse Comes Off Trailer.

 Space is limited.  All participants MUST contact Teri in advance to reserve a spot.

 1)    All riders 18 years & under must wear an ASTM approved helmet with chinstrap attached – no exceptions

2) Walk Trot will get 5 second penalty if you canter.

3) 5 second penalty per barrel or pole down.

4) Broken pattern receives No Time.


Leadline – for those who have no prior riding experience

Walk Trot – for juniors and seniors (ages 18 & up)

Walk Trot Canter - for juniors and seniors (ages 18 & up)

Awards: ribbons (no premium money is awarded in this event)

 Let’s have lots of Fun! Fun! Fun! Dress up in your BEST cowboy clothes!


Saturday 9 am - Dusk          

Sunday 9 am - 3 pm

Horseshoes is a cost free event.

Join the tournament or just play for fun.

Divisions for Men, Women, Boys & Girls

Ribbons for top placings

Located on the hill in front of the Hinton Building.


Open Departments

 Departments 23 – 34 exhibit in French Building

Departments 35 - 43 exhibit in Buck Barn

Remember, you need to fill out your fair exhibit tags correctly and completely in order to receive your fair checks. This tag is white. Entries with incorrect exhibit tags will be disqualified. When we process your entries to the Fair, we find that some important items are overlooked. Please take a minute to see if the following steps have been completed. If you have any specific questions as you fill out your forms, please call the Hillsborough County UNH Cooperative Extension office at 603-641-6060 for assistance.


Print clearly.

Exhibitor Number - numbers no longer change so if you have exhibited last year you will have the same number this year and going forward. If you need a number or can’t rememeber last year's number you can get it from: (1) your exhibiting department Thursday at check-in, (2) the Fair office /Log Cabin during Thursday check-in or (3) by emailing hcafyouth@yahoo.com. First year exhibitors need to get a number from the UNH Cooperative Extension office (603-641-6060) prior to the Fair or at the Fair office/Log Cabin during setup Thursday between 2 pm and 9 pm.

Name and Age or A for Adult.

Mailing Address - Your complete mailing address and zip code.

Article – What you are exhibiting at the Fair.

Department Number and Class Number - Found in the Fair book.

Judge’s Grade and Award - Leave blank, the judge will fill this out.

 Important: Be sure you are using the correct exhibitor number and correct entry tag. You will not receive your money if you use someone else’s exhibitor number. Your number changes each year.

Departments 23 - 34      Open Classes

Exhibits in French Building

DEPARTMENT 23   Grange Exhibits

Dedicated to Charlene Hooper In honor of her 35+ years as the exhibit superintendent. 

Open to all Granges.

A maximum of 8 feet of space will be provided which must be neatly and attractively filled. There are two (2) classes:            Class 1:  The Traditional Grange Exhibit

Class 2:  A Theme which promotes any aspect of Grange work

A Grange may choose either class in which to exhibit, but may only exhibit in one (1) class.

 Class 1: Traditional Grange Exhibit

Each exhibit must include the following:

         An American Flag.

         A Bible

         A loaf of bread

         The Name of the Grange

         Six (6) or more different vegetables and/or fruits. The number of each and manner of display may be of the Grange’s choosing

         Four (4) displays of canned fruits and/or vegetables. (Jellies, pickles, and relishes may be used).

         Two (2) displays of grains

         Four (4) displays of home baked foods (the bread in item #3 may count as one)

         One (1) display each of the following: sewing, needlework, knitting, and crocheting

Class 2: Theme exhibit

 If a Grange elects to display a Theme exhibit, the exhibit must include:

         An American Flag

         A Bible

         The name of the Grange

         The title of the theme displayed, which promotes any phase of Grange work


No part of any Grange Exhibit shall be simultaneously entered into any other Department at the Fair. Classes will be judged as follows:

         Attracts attention (stopping power), 20 points

         Holds interest (encourages study), 20 points

         General appearance (simple, balanced), 20 points

         Workmanship (neat, well-constructed), 20 points

         Arrangement of articles exhibited, 20 points


Awards: score 90 - 100: $50; score 80 - 89: $35; score 70 - 79: $20

A trophy will be awarded for the top exhibit. Blue, red & white rosettes for top 3. Regular ribbon for non-placement.

DEPARTMENT 24   Hillsborough County Circle of Home & Family (CHF)

Approximate space per exhibit is 8’ x 3’. Exhibit must display the group’s name and location. Display and articles must be representative of educational projects sponsored by Hillsborough County CHF.

 Group CHF Exhibit

Class 1:  Educational Exhibit. Conveys educational message on some aspect of an accepted CHF program studied by the group.

Class 2:  Skills Exhibit. Attractively displayed articles made by CHF group members. Articles to be included are limited to items found in Departments 27 - 34. The exhibit will be judged as a whole. In addition, any article in the exhibit may also be judged individually and must have its own exhibitor’s tag.


Attracts attention (stopping power), 20 points

Holds interest (easily read, encourages study), 20 points

General appearance (neat, balanced), 20 points

Workmanship (well-constructed, clean), 20 points

Class 1 - Conveys clear educational message or Class 2 - Arrangement of articles, 20 points

Awards: Score 90 - 100: $50; Score 80 - 89: $35; Score 70 - 79: $20

Individual CHF Exhibit.

Approximate space per exhibit is 8’ x 3’. Exhibit must display the individuals name(s), CHF Members-at-large, and location. Display and articles must be representative of educational projects sponsored by Hillsborough County CHF.

Class 3:  Educational Exhibit. Conveys educational message on some aspect of an accepted CHF program studied by the individual(s).

Class 4:  Skills Exhibit. Attractively displayed articles made by CHF Members-at-Large Individuals(s). Articles to be included are limited to Departments 27 - 33. The exhibit will be judged individually and must have its own exhibitor’s tag.


Attracts attention (stopping power), 20 points

Holds interest (easily read, encourages study), 20 points

General appearance (neat, balanced), 20 points

Workmanship (well-constructed, clean), 20 points

Class 3 - Conveys clear educational message or Class 4 - Arrangement of articles, 20 points

Awards: A: $15 (90-100); B: $10 (80-89); C: $5 (up to 79)

DEPARTMENT 25   Best Apple Pie


Entries must be home prepared - no mixes.

Put your name on bottom of plate.

Include the recipe written on clean 3” x 5” card.

All foods must be wrapped in a plastic bag or transparent covering, unsealed.

Apple pies that require refrigeration (i.e. apple custard filling) will not be accepted.

Pie must have two crusts.

Judges will cut all items.

Class 1:  Adults / Teens (14 and over)

Class 2:  Junior under 14 (as of January 1 of current year)

1st place: $15 & rosette, Junior & Adults/Teens

2nd place: $10 & rosette, Junior & Adults/Teens

Non-placing entries will receive a ribbon and $3 premium

DEPARTMENT 26   King Arthur Flour Contest

Sponsored by the King Arthur Flour Company

King Arthur Flour must be used in the recipe.

This year’s recipe for Adult Entries is Blueberry Muffins (recipe link below)

Youth recipe is Chocolate Chip Oatmeal Cookes (recipe link below)

Class 1: Adult Category (ages 18 and over as of Thursday Fair check-in day)

Blueberry Muffins

https://www.kingarthurbaking.com/recipes/blueberry-muffins-recipe (copy and paste to search bar or highlight and right click)

Class 2: Youth Category (ages 18 and under as of Thursday Fair check-in day)

Chocolate Chip Oatmeal Cookies


Contestants must be a resident of Hillsborough County; one entry per person.

Contest Rules:

1.       Pre-entry is not required. Entry must be turned in Thursday. An exhibitor tag, with exhibitor number, must accompany the entry.

2.       Contestant must bring the opened or empty bag of King Arthur Flour or submit a UPC label from the flour bag when he/she submits the entry.

3.       All entries must be submitted on a decorative plate for judging. Plates can be retrieved Sunday after 6pm. If not retrieved it will become the property of the Fair.

4.       Judging will be based on the following criteria:

Flavor = 50 points    Overall Appearance (product and presentation) = 25 points           Texture = 25 points

TOTAL = 100 Points

Failure to follow the rules may result in disqualification.

Prizes for 1st and 2nd place all categories sponsored by the King Arthur Flour Company

Non-placing entries will receive a ribbon and $5 premium

DEPARTMENT 27   Home Baking Contest

Class 1:  Adult (age 18 & over as of Thursday Fair check-in day)

Class 2:   Youth (age 17 & under as of Thursday Fair check-in day)

Rules:   Put your name on bottom of plate.

            Include the recipe written on clean 3”x 5” card. Printed recipe must be followed in order to partici­pate in this department.

            All foods must be wrapped in a plastic bag or transparent covering, unsealed. Judges will cut all items.

Zucchini Bread – Entry is one loaf

2 eggs

1 1/4 cup sugar

2/3 cup oil

2 tsp vanilla

2 cups flour

3/4 tsp baking soda

1/4 tsp baking powder

3/4 tsp salt

2 tsp cinnamon

1 1/3 cups zucchini

Preheat oven to 350 degrees F.

In a medium-sized bowl, mix oil, sugar, eggs and vanilla. Sift together flour, baking soda, baking powder, salt and cinnamon. Mix all ingredients together then stir in zucchini. Pour batter into a greased and floured 9 x 5 inch loaf pan. Bake for 50 minutes to 1 hour, until a cake tester inserted in the center comes out clean. Makes 1 loaf 

1st place: $15 & rosette, Adults and Youth classes

2nd place: $10 & rosette, Adults and Youth classes

Non-placing entries will receive a ribbon and $3 premium

 DEPARTMENT 28   Home Baked Foods

Rules:   Entries must be home prepared - no mixes. Put your name on bottom of plate. Include the recipe written on clean 3”x 5” card. All foods must be wrapped in a plastic bag or transparent covering, unsealed. Judges will cut all items. Foods that require refrigeration will not be accepted (ie.,cream or meringue pies)

Class 1:            Yeast Bread, Quick bread. Entry is 1 loaf each type, any flavor

Class 2:            Yeast rolls, cinnamon rolls, muffins, frosted or unfrosted cupcakes, biscuits, donuts, cookies,

                        bars, brownies, 6 on a plate

Class 3:            Cake, frosted or unfrosted, single layer or multi-layered.

                        Note: Cake Decorating is in Department 30.

Class 4:            Pie, 1 or 2 crust

Class 5:            Candy or fudge, 5 pieces

Awards: A: $6; B: $5; C: $4

DEPARTMENT 29   Preserved Products

Food Preservation Rules: No duplicate entries. Products shown should be of the current year’s production. Regular Mason-type threaded home canning jars with self-sealing lids must be used. All jars must be labeled neatly on the top of the lid or on the front of the jar, with name of product. Jars are to be entered without metal screw band. All canned goods must be processed according to the USDA regulations, including approved tomato procedure. For guidelines visit www.uga.edu/nchfp/publications/publications.usda.html. Jars sealed with paraffin, wire-bail, and zinc porcelain-lined cap jars WILL BE DISQUALIFIED. No doilies or fabric on jars. When setting up display, put ticket on jars. Include recipe card with each entry. Recipe must be written, typed or computer generated on 3” x 5” card.

Class 1:            Canned vegetables

Class 2:            Canned fruits

Class 3:            Jellies, jams, preserves, marmalades, fruit butter

Class 4:            Pickles, Relishes

Class 5:            Vegetable sauces

Class 6:            Dried fruits, vegetables, herbs. Items must be clearly displayed in small jars with metal screw band, clear wrap or bags and labeled by name of product and ingredients. Entry can be single fruit or vegetable product, a combination product, a collection of three or more or a single herb.

Awards: A: $2.50; B: $2; C: $1.50

Class 7:            Preserved Products Exhibit - One each of several products arranged in an attractive display.

Awards: A: $5; B: $3; C: $1; Rosette for 1st Place in Class 7.


(previously Depts. 30 – 34)

Exhibits in French Building, Upstairs


Awards: 1. Child up to 5 yrs. of age

A:  Ribbon Only

2. Junior 6 – 12 yrs. of age

A:  $6.00    B:  $5.00        C:  $4.00

3. Teen    13 – 17 yrs. of age

A:  $6.00      B:  $5.00     C:  $4.00

4. Adult    18+

Ribbons Only

5. Senior 65+

Ribbons only

6. Professional

Ribbons only

 Arts and Crafts, the arts of decorative design and handicraft with skillful hands bringing forth the creation of beautiful or significant things, include, but are not limited to:


Applique                                                Basketry / Weaving                                Braiding                                      Candle Wicking                                     Collage                                                 Counted Cross-stitch                       

Craft & Hobby Kits                              Creative Stitchery                                  Decoupage                                 Doll Houses                                          Dolls & Doll Clothes                            Drawing:                                 

Embroidery / Needlepoint                   Felting                                                  Charcoal                                      Flowers:                                                Hand spinning                                            - Pastel / Pencil

Plastic / Pressed / Dried                     Holiday Decorations                              Pen & Ink

Home Furnishings                                 Jewelry                                                 Knitting / Crocheting

Latch Hook                                           Lego Structures                                     Metal / Leather Craft

Model Kits                                             Needlepoint                                           Needlework Kits

Painting:                                               Paper Craft                                           Photography:

Oil / Acrylic                                        Plastic Canvas                                         Black & White Print

 Watercolor / Tole                               Pottery / Sculpture                                   B & W, Self Developed                               

Sand/Art/String Art Color Print


Hand / Machine                                 Sewing:                                             Digitally Enhanced

Piecework                                           Clothing                                            Silk Screen Graphics

Smocking                                              Pillows                                              Stained Glass

Stenciling                                                Recycled Clothing                       Stuffed Toys

Tatting                                                  Tie Dying                                          Traditional Rug Hooking

Wood Working:                                      Writing:

  Carving                                               Narratives

  Child’s Toy                                          Poems

  Furniture / Wood Finishing Project         Short Stories


Rules:  Articles will be judged on color, design, workmanship, appropriateness and cleanliness. Articles should be

finished. Department and Class must appear on Entry Tag.

Photographs and paintings larger than 11 x 14 will be accepted at the discretion of the Superintendent due to space.  Please have photos mounted on matte board or framed.



Departments 35 – 43 Open Classes

Exhibits in Buck Barn


Class 1:  Pee Wee Eggs, 12 Eggs not weighing under 15 oz.

Class 2:  Small Eggs, 12 Eggs not weighing under 18 oz.

Class 3:  Medium Eggs, 12 Eggs not weighing under 21 oz.

Class 4:  Large Eggs, 12 Eggs not weighing under 24 oz.

Class 5:  Extra Large Eggs, 12 Eggs not weighing under 27 oz.

Class 6:  Jumbo Eggs, 12 eggs not weighing under 30 oz.

Awards: A: $7.00 B: $5.00; C: $3.00

DEPARTMENT 36   Vegetables

Tips on Vegetables

·   All fruits and vegetables should be clean! Try not to damage the vegetables when cleaning them. Rinsing or wiping with a damp cloth is usually sufficient, and scrubbing should be avoided as it can damage the skin of the vegetable.

·   Uniformity is another important consideration in judging a class. Many people can grow the “perfect” tomato, cucumber or carrot, but not everyone can grow the required number for an exhibit - all of them uniform and of high quality.

·   Vegetables and fruits entered should be at the best maturity for use, and of a size and quality which would be desirable in the commercial trade. If there is any doubt on this, check a produce stand or supermarket to see the size and maturity the trade prefers.

·   Be sure to provide the correct number of vegetables or fruits called for in the Award Book. Most of the time the judge will remove extra items, but he is not obligated to and he may not always leave behind the best specimens. If the minimum number is not entered, the entry will be disqualified.

·   Root crops should be clean, with 1½” of tops left on and should not be over mature, especially Beets and Turnips.

·   Cabbage should have a few wrapper leaves left on, be medium-sized with firm heads, free from insect injury.

·   Onions should not be peeled; remove just the outermost dirty layer. Onions should be dug a week or two before the Fair and cured so the tops are dry, and then trimmed leaving only 1 - 2 inches above the bulb. Clean onions of dried-on soil, but don’t peel them to the point of giving a slick appearance.

·   Summer Squash should be young and tender and between 6 and 10 inches in length. There will be a Giant Zucchini class, but in the regular classes of Summer Squash, over maturity will be scored down.

·   Beans, Peas, and Cucumbers should be as uniform as possible and all should have a short piece of stem left attached. Entries should not be over mature, but should have developed to a proper stage for use.

·   Ripe Tomatoes can be exhibited with stems on or off, but all tomatoes in the entry should be treated the same. Green Tomatoes should have stems attached. Tomatoes should be free from cracks, green shoulders on Ripe Tomatoes, and Ripe Tomatoes should not be overripe. Green Tomatoes should be fully developed and at the same stage of maturity.

·   Sweet Corn should have the husk stripped on one side only to allow for easy viewing of the kernels. Silks should be removed and the stem of the ear trimmed to just below the point where the husks are attached. Sweet Corn should be at the proper milk stage of maturity; ears should be filled to the tip and the ears should be free of insect damage.

·   Entries of greens or fresh herbs should consist of either the whole plant or five stems.

Quantities to Exhibit on a Plate:

Class 1:      One each of the following: Broccoli, Cabbage, Red Cabbage, Cauliflower, Celery, Lettuce, Swiss Chard (whole plant), Eggplant, Winter Squash, Pumpkin (Sugar and Field), Watermelon, Muskmelon, Spaghetti Squash.

Class 2:      Two each of the following: Summer Squash, Cucumbers, Turnips, Peppers. (Do not mix on one plate red, green and yellow).

Class 3:      Five each of the following: Beets, Carrots, Radishes, Parsnips, Sweet Corn, Hops, Popcorn, Rhubarb, Leeks, Scallions, Onions, Orna­mental Corn, Gourds, Mini-Pumpkins, Pickling Cucumbers, Potatoes, Ripe Tomatoes, Green Tomatoes (Note: Ripe Tomatoes and Green Toma­toes will be judged as separate vegetables. Example: 5 Green Big Boy is one entry, 5 Ripe Big Boy is another entry. Do not mix. Ripe and Green on one plate; they will be disqualified.)

Class 4:      Ten of the following: Lima, Shell, String Beans (green, yellow, or purple), Brussel Sprouts, Peas, Cherry Tomatoes.

Class 5:      One-half Pint container of dry beans or shelled peas, labeled with date harvested (must have been harvested during current, or previous year’s growing season).

Class 6:      Herbs - Fresh garden herbs, in water container (cultivated culinary herbs); 5 stems.

Class 7:      Herbs - Dried garden herbs, (cultivated culinary herbs); 5 stems.

Class 8:      Others

Class 9:      Character Vegetables - using one or more vegetables to create a “Veggie” character.

Awards: Classes 1 - 9 Awards: A: $5.00 B: $3.00; C: $2.00

Awards: Winners Rosette plus 1st: $5; 2nd: $3; 3rd: $2

Class 10:      Organically grown vegetable collection

Class 11:      Organically grown fruit collection

Class 12:      Garden Collection: Collection of six varieties of garden vegetables in quantities listed above. This collection must be exhibited in a box, basket, etc.

Awards:  Classes 10 - 12: 1st: $5; 2nd: $3; 3rd: $2  

Class 13:   Largest Sunflower Head.

Class 14:   Tallest Sunflower Plant

Class 15:   Largest Tomato - by weight

Class 16:   Largest Cabbage - by measure

Class 17:   Longest Zucchini - by measure

Class 18:   Giant Pumpkin or Squash

Awards:  Classes 13 - 17: 1st: $5; 2nd: $3 (With Rosettes)

DEPARTMENT 38   Fruits

Class 1:  Tree fruits - 5 on a plate of apples, peaches, pears, plums, apricots

Class 2:  Grapes, 1 bunch

Class 3:  Small fruits or other fruit not listed in another class

Awards: A: $5.00 B: $3.00; C: $2.00

DEPARTMENT 39   Flowers & Plants

No duplicate entries allowed. Flower must be from a private garden and have been grown in cultivation for at least one month by the exhibitor. Exhibits will be judged on horticulture perfection, uniformity of size and shape, and maturity.

Class 1: Annuals, 3 or more stems each from any type or variety

Class 2: Perennial - 1 stem of any type or variety

Class 3: Foliage Plant

Class 4: Flowering Plant

Class 5: Cacti or Succulent

Class 6: Hanging Plant

Class 7: Oddities - rare or unusual plants

Class 8: Dish gardens and terrariums

Awards: A: $5.00; B: $3.00; C: $2.00

DEPARTMENT 40   Flower Arrangements

No duplicate entries. Flowers must be grown for at least one month by the exhibitor and must be from a private garden. Entries will be judged on artistic arrangement, choice of container, and quality of flowers.

Garden Flowers

Class 1:  Only one kind of flower

Class 2:  Two or more kinds of flowers

Awards (classes 1-15): A: $10.00 B: $8.00; C: $6.00

Dining Table Arrangements - To be viewed from all sides, and must be of a height to be seen over while seated at a table.

Class 3:  Only one kind of flower

Class 4:  Two or more kinds of flowers

Class 5:  Fruit in suitable container

Awards: A: $10.00, B: $8.00, $6.00

Miniature Arrangements

Class 6:  Total height not to be over 4 inches. Any flower or foliage in good scale.

Class 7:  Arrangement of Gladioli

Class 8:  Arrangement of Dahlias

Class 9:  Arrangements of one or more kinds of flowers in small basket only

Awards: A: $10.00, B: $8.00, C: $6.00

Dried Flower Arrangements

Class 10:  Arrangement of one or more kinds of natural materials.

Awards: A: $10.00; B: $8.00; C: $6.00

Special Compositions

No duplicate entries allowed. Flowers must be from a private garden and have been grown for at least one month by the exhibitor. Materials may be fresh or dried flowers; all arrangements must contain plant materials, although accessories are permitted.

Class 11:  Happy Birthday - Arrangement depicting this day.

Class 12:  The Japanese Influence - Oriental arrangement

Class 13:  Beachcomber - Arrangement including seashore materials.

Class 14:  Garden Wedding - Arrangement depicting this day.

Class 15:  Happy Fourth of July - Red, White, and Blue.

Awards: A: $10.00; B: $8.00; C: $6.00

Class 16:  Commercial Florists

Arrangement of exhibitor’s choice using one or more kinds of flowers; a shop sign may accompany the arrangement, but may not exceed 5 x 8 inches.

Fair Board Rosettes awarded to the three best commercial florist arrangements (decision of the judges).

DEPARTMENT 41   Fletcher Wason Memorial Garden Club

Class 1: Displays: Space 6’ wide x 10’ long maximum. If exhibit exceeds this area only the designated 6’ x 10’ area will be judged. Please make arrangements ahead of time if more space is needed. Exhibit should consist of a garden arrangement of living flowers and plants. Stones, chips, water, etc., may be used. No silk or plastic flowers or plants. All specimens should be well groomed (clean, free of damage, disease, insects, dead flowers and foliage).

Criteria – 100 total points possible and each criteria point is worth 20 pts – Attractiveness, Execution of Theme, Use of Organic Material, Plant Maturity & Balance

Awards: A:(100-90) $100; B:(89-80) $75; C:(79-70) $50  *Decision of the judges is final. Judges have the right to remove anything they feel is inappropriate.*

 DEPARTMENT 42   Maple Products

Class 1:  Best Pint jar of maple syrup

Awards: A: $10.00 B: $8.00; C: $6.00

Class 2:   Best Quart of maple syrup

Awards: A: $10.00 B: $8.00; C: $6.00

Class 3:   Dry Maple Sugar

Class 4:   Damp Maple Sugar

Class 5:   Best Sugar Cakes, ½ lb net weight

Class 6:   Best Maple Cream, ½ lb net weight

Class 7:   Best Maple Candy, ½ lb net weight

Awards: A: $10.00 B: $8.00; C: $6.00

DEPARTMENT 43  Honey Department

Class 1:  One 1 lb. box of comb honey

Class 2:  One 8 fluid ounce, or larger, glass container of extracted honey

Class 3:  One pint or larger, glass container of chunk comb honey

Awards: A: $10.00 B: $8.00; C: $6.00

DEPARTMENT 44   Farm Horse & Mule Competition (Horse Log Skidding)

Friday, 1 PM

All animals are entered at the risk of the owner or lessor.  Any damage to persons or property are the legal and financial responsibility of the person and their family who own or lease the animal.

This is an open division for work horses. A course will be laid out through which the teamster must manipulate his/her animal and load. Entry deadline for horses is 1 pm, Friday. Animals must be on the Fairgrounds at entry time. One entry per pair of horses will be allowed in the Single Horse Class.

All participants must pay the gate admission fee upon entry to the fairgrounds

Class 1:  Single Horse

Class 2:  Horse Team

Class 3:  Horse Wagon (farm class) Fore Cart


Single:  $50; $45; $40; $35; $30; $25; $20; $15

Horse team:  $75; $65; $55; $45; $40; $35; $30; $25

Forecart:  $75; $65; $55; $45; $40; $35; $30; $25  

DEPARTMENT 45   Oxen Pulling

Cattle must be owned by driver or hitcher.

Operated under New England Association of Ox Teamsters.

Rules will be strictly enforced. *The good stick or whip shall be used as a driving tool only.

Oxen shall not be whipped or beaten in any manner, whatsoever.

All pulling events open to exhibi­tors in the New England States.

*Blood testing could be done upon suspicion of drug use.

All animals are entered at the risk of the owner or lessor.

Any damage to persons or property are the legal and financial responsibility of the person and their family who own or lease the animal.

Note: No award will be paid on the grounds.

Saturday, 9 am

Scales open at 7 am      General Admission applies to all participants

Class 1:  2100 lbs.

Awards: $100, $90, $80, $75, $70, $60, $50

Class 2:  2500 lbs. Awards: $120, $100, $90, $80, $70, $60, $50

Class 3:  2900 lbs. Awards $140, $120, $100, $90, $80, $75, $50

Class 4:  3300 lbs. Awards: $150, $130, $120, $100,$90, $75, $50

Class 5: Free For All (FFA)

Awards: $180, $170, $150, $120, $100, $90, $75

DEPARTMENT 46   Youth Oxen Pulling

The Youth Oxen Pull will be held on Saturday.

All animals are entered at the risk of the owner or lessor.

Any damage to persons or property are the legal and financial responsibility of the person and their fam­ily who own or lease the animal.

Show will be held in the Open Pulling ring. 

Class 1:  1300 lbs. - drivers and hitcher 13 years old and under.

Awards: $50; $40; $35; $20, $25,$20; $15

Class 2:  1700 lbs. - drivers and hitcher 16 years old and under.

Awards: $45; $40; $35; $30; $25; $20; $20

 DEPARTMENT 47   Horse Pulling

All animals are entered at the risk of the owner or lessor.

All participants must show proof of insurance at check-in.

Any damage to persons or property are the legal and financial responsibility of the person and their family who own or lease the animal.

Operated under Eastern Draft Horse Association Rules. Rules will be strictly enforced.

a)      The light use of reins on entry to the pit and while team is making its draw, on hind quarters only, may be

    permitted. The use of reins after the boat has stopped or any place on the grounds is prohibited.

b)  Teamsters will be given one warning and disqualified upon second violation in one class.

c)  Blood testing will be done upon suspicion of drug use.

All participants must pay the gate admission fee upon entry to the fairgrounds

Sunday, 11 am

Scales will open at 7:00 am

Class 1:  3200 lbs. & under

Awards: $150; $130; $120; $110; $100; $95; $75

Class 2:  3400 lbs. & under

Awards: $150; $130; $120; $110; $100; $95; $75

Class 3:  Free-For-All: Teams will compete for the positions and any class horse will compete for any

              remaining positions.

Awards: $200; $175; $150; $125; $110; $100; $75

DEPARTMENT 48   Stock Farm Tractor Pulling Contest

Friday, 12 pm - Pulling Ring

Rosettes - Awards - All Classes

Registration begins at 10 am, Friday.

All participants must pay the gate fee upon entry to fairgrounds. There will be NO entry fee for any class. This contest is open to all farm tractor owners and is presented as a special attraction for the public. Good sportsmanship will be stressed.

Rules: Operators under 16 must have written permission from owner or parent. No switching drivers during any one class. No alcoholic beverages allowed during pull.

Tractor: Stock farm type, rubber tired, two wheel drive, any four wheel drive must pull with front disengaged. Tractor will pull by weight with driver on. First three places subject to reweigh at end of class. Standard agri-type tread on tires (no industrial or grader tread tires allowed), single tires (no duals). No tractor may enter more than two classes. The third link of the 3-point hitch will not be used to stabilize the drawbar, exception to this is early model tractors that use all 3-points to hold drawbar. Draw-bar height to top will be no more than 20.5 inches in all classes except 14,000 lbs. which will not exceed 22 inches. Maximum thickness of drawbar - 2 inches. Hole size not less than 1 inch.

All exhausts must either discharge vertically upward with a minimum 18 inch straight pipe or muffler in working condition or discharge through a factory, underslung, exhaust system in working condition.

Pulling: Full pull will be 6 feet in one pull without stopping. Pull will be from length of cable or chain. Driver allowed 3 measured tries or 4 minutes total time on pad, except 14,000 lbs. class allowed 5 minutes total time. Adjustments made with the clock running. The boat must be set back if it has moved more than 1 foot in one or more tries. It may be set back, at the request of the driver, if it has moved less than one foot in one or more tries. All of the rear wheels must remain on slab for the full distance of pull. Tractor may pass one hitch if not ready or repairs being made. Pulling order will be random draw prior to class. One helper will be allowed on the slab only to help move weights.

Weight: Tractor must be weighed for each class it enters. Tires may be loaded. All added weight must be securely attached to wheels or frame. Added weight bracket(s) may be used, but must be bolted to the tractor in a secure manner. No added weight to extend beyond the rear wheels or interfere with hitching. Weight not to exceed 24 inches forward of the front most portion of the tractor. If any added weight is lost off the tractor while hitched to the sled, that hitch will be disqualified. If your weights extend above your rear tires, you must use a functional wheelie-bar. Every tractor must provide its own clevis. It must be a standard unmodified clevis with a minimum 34 inch pin.

ALL decisions of the judges will be final; safety and modifications included.

Notes: It is recommended that each tractor have one 2 ½ lb. ABC Fire Extinguisher mounted. It is also suggested that stabilizer bars or wheelie bars be used. Slight modifications of rules may be made upon request of fair or pull officials in the event of conflict or local pad or boat conditions upon approval of pull committee.

Stock Farm Tractor Pulling


Weight Classes

Place 1st through 5th

3,000 lbs. & under 1st - $75 2nd- $50 3rd - $25 4th- $20 5th- $10

4,000 lbs. & under 1st - $75 2nd- $50 3rd - $25 4th- $20 5th- $10

5,000 lbs. & under 1st - $75 2nd- $50 3rd - $25 4th- $20 5th- $10

7,000 lbs. & under 1st - $90 2nd - $70 3rd- $30 4th-$20 5th-$10

9,000 lbs. & under 1st - $90 2nd - $70 3rd- $30 4th-$20 5th-$10

11,000 lbs. & under 1st - $90 2nd - $70 3rd- $30 4th-$20 5th-$10

14,000 lbs. & under 1st - $90 2nd - $70 3rd- $30 4th-$20 5th-$10

DEPARTMENT 49   Farm Tractor Pulling Contest

Saturday, 9 am – Truck Pull Track           

Awards:  Rosettes

All classes will have both Stock and Enhanced.  Enhanced tractors will run immediately after the Stock tractors in each class. All classes must have a minimum of 2 tractors. Classes will be run staggered as they have every other year. All tractors must drive on the scales immediately after their pull. Drawbar Height 20.5” All Stock Tractors must have a working PTO.   All classes will also have an enhanced class following if enough tractors sign in.

Class 1:            3000

Class 2:            3500

Class 3:            4000

Class 4:            4500

Class 5:            5000

Class 6:            5500

Class 7:            6000

Class 8:            7000

Class 9:            8000

Class 10:          9000

Class 11:          10000

Class 12:          11500

Class 13:           13500